Noise Insulation
You can also consult us with your questions referring to noise insulation. We create the regulatory proof of the structural noise insulation in accordance with DIN 4109.
A good noise insulation should reduce noise transmission from the emitter to the receiver. In other words, nobody wants to hear the neighbor`s toilet flushing nor the passing trucks. Basically, it is distinguished between air-borne noise (e.g. protection against external noise) and structure-borne noise (e.g., impact noise protection at separating ceilings). Applicable standard is the DIN 4109, which defines the minimum requirements for noise insulation. In its second supplement there are additional recommendations for advanced noise insulation. The “VDI”-guideline identifies three levels of sound insulation for residential buildings.
Noise protection - Sound emission prediction
With the creation of noise emission predictions, we forecast the expected noise emissions of your planned plants or traffic noise. With the audit of the anticipated noise emissions already in the early planning stages, we protect you as a planner or client to later complaints about excessive noise disturbance during construction or during the subsequent operation of your building, which ends up often in court.
Room acoustics - Acoustic comfort
We issue the requisite evidence to the room acoustics or the acoustic comfort for your building application or within the scope of your “DGNB” certification. Task of the room acoustics is to ensure the audibility in rooms. Audibility is the acoustic quality of a room with regard to speech intelligibility. Significant effects can be achieved through an acoustically effective space design. The most known characteristic of the acoustics is the reverberation time.
Calculations and Measurements
In addition to the acoustic insulation related calculation for the creation of regulatory evidence or as the foundation for the constructive and plant engineering, we offer you all the necessary and meaningful measurements for the quality assurance of your construction process and approval.
Measurements in noise insulation:
- impact sound measurements according to DIN EN ISO 140
- air-borne noise measurements according to DIN EN ISO 140
- measurement of room acoustic parameters
- noise measurements according to “TA” noise (evaluation level at day / night)
- regarding traffic noises
- noise measurements and forecasts according to “AVWV” construction noises
- noise-vibration measurements regarding occupational safety and health regulation (“LärmVibrationsArbSchV")