Planning & Quality Assurance
Integrated Planning & Quality Assurance
For complex tasks, such as the pursuit of sustainability, undoubtedly requires an integrated planning as a modern answer. And it is also one of the requirements for superior success. The technical development in architecture and engineering necessitates interdisciplinary solutions. Integral planning can take place only through the simultaneous cooperation of all participants in the planning process. The “ifes GmbH” owned this innovative methodology already a long time before. For more than two decades, we advise architects, engineers, contractors and clients in all phases of planning a building and moderate this dialogue as well.
Bewertung und Analyse
Exakte Kennzahlen dienen als Grundlage einer soliden Planung. Um die technischen und wirtschaftlichen Anforderungen beim Neu- und Umbau von Anlagen und Gebäuden planen und realisieren zu können, müssen die wichtigsten Bausteine jeder Gebäude- und Anlagenkalkulation analysiert werden:
Acceptance Tests
In the course of quality assurance, we perform measurements to verify the proposed solution and demonstrate compliance with the design parameters. Measurements are also performed to detect the actual situation as a basis for advice or planning with simulations.
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Integrated Planning
Integrated planning is manifested in simultaneous and interdisciplinary principle of operation by all those participating in the planning process.
Wechselnde Prioritäten während des Projektablaufs. Die gesamte Planungs- und Realisierungsphase eines Gebäudes ist vom Anspruch geprägt, drei Kriterien zu erfüllen: Hohe Qualität, Einhaltung der Kosten und Kurze Planungs- und Bautermine.