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    Natürliche Energiekonzepte

    mit nachhaltiger Wirkung!

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    Wir vermeiden Zugerscheinungen

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    Messung & Prüfung

    Wir überlassen nichts dem Zufall

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    Mit uns planen. Die Zukunft bauen.

    Ganzheitliches, integriertes Planen durch Simulation


Sustainability Energy Concepts

Energy concepts that have a long-term effect!

Sustainability is not only the expression of fundamental changes in values​​, but the basis for future society. Buildings are a part of the built-up environment –if they match ecological requirements, they can be market demonstrably better. Lower management costs represent a clear competitive advantage for rental and sale. Sustainable planning and building makes your property future-ready. For us, it is a challenge and an obligation to pay attention to the harmony of economy, ecology and environmental protection. Green building and environmental protection is not just a phrasing to us, but the result of 20 years of experience in the holistic planning of buildings. The building users benefit by the comfort and a healthy working and living environment.

Energy-Efficiency Studies

With rising energy costs, sustainable energy concepts become inevitable in the planning and construction of buildings. Likewise great are the requirements for the energy-efficient production of durable capital and consumer goods.

Renewable Energies

Sustainable energy concepts only make sense, if the energy required for the building´s operation or the production has been minimized.

Energy Performance Certificate („EnEV”)

The “EnEV” 2009 as the fourth amendment to the “German Energy-Saving Ordinance”, is currently the foundation for creating an energy certificate. The aim of the regulation is to reduce the primary energy consumption of heated and cooled buildings.

Profitability Analysis

Through our analysis and calculations, we provide you with the right foundation for a profitable investment decision - in order to find the best and most economical solution for you.

Facade Concepts

Facades are the building`s most important component. They do not only put a face on to the building, but also protect the users within the building of changing external influences.

Noise Insulation

You can also consult us with your questions referring to noise insulation. We create the regulatory proof of the structural noise insulation in accordance with DIN 4109.

Thermal Insulation

The thermal insulation in the construction industry includes both, the winter and summer heat insulation. Authoritative standard for heat insulation is the DIN 4108.

Thermal Bridges

An important planning tool within the thermal insulation is represented by the thermal bridge analysis.

Optimized Planning

Discovering maximum economic potential. The most important energy savings can only be identified if you holistically analyze the processes and see the planning on a holistic view.

Ecological Urban and District Planning

City districts play a central role in the sustainable development of our society.

ifes certifies buildings with DGNB, LEED, BREEAM and HCH standards        
DGNB Mitglied VereinUZ skaliert 2   hch logo 02