Thermal Insulation
The thermal insulation in the construction industry includes both, the winter and summer heat insulation. Authoritative standard for heat insulation is the DIN 4108.
Winter Heat Insulation
Due to the winter heat insulation the transmission heat losses through the building`s envelope are reduced and the constructional requirements complied to the energy saving ordinance (“EnEV”).
Furthermore, good heat insulation contributes to ensure sufficient internal surface temperatures of the external components within the heating periods. On the one hand this affects on your comfort level in the room in a positive way, because radiation asymmetries and hence "draft occurrence" are avoided, on the other hand surface condensation, which may under certain conditions lead to mold growth, can be avoided as well.
Summer Heat Insulation
Summer heat insulation limits interior heating caused by sunlight. Basically a comfortable indoor climate should be consistently ensured in the summer without the use of an air conditioning system. Suitable measures to achieve a comfortable indoor climate includes the arrangement of sun protection elements, high thermal storage mass of the space-enclosing components as well as increased air exchange rates during the night hours.
The summer heat insulation is influenced by the following factors:
- room dimensions
- orientation and size of the windows
- type of glazing and the sun shades
- entilation behavior
- internal heat sources (e.g. body heat, waste heat from computers or lighting)
- heat storage capacity of the used building materials of space-enclosing components
For all of these issues in the field of heat insulation, we advise you with our professional expertise.
Calculations and Measurements
In addition to the thermal insulation related calculation for the creation of regulatory evidence or as the foundation for constructive planning, we offer you all necessary and meaningful measurements for the quality assurance of your construction process.
Measurements in thermal insulation
- building thermography
- temperature and humidity measurement on components
- measurements of the indoor climate
- radiation measurements
- measurements for thermal conductivity of building materials
- air-tightness measurements (“Blower-Door-Test”)